Tuesday 1 November 2011

Prayer request. Proper update to come soon!

Hello guys, so sorry this is a slightly rubbish and short blog update (secretly your all probably relieved!)....We would just love to ask you if you would be able to pray for us tonight/today your time. Today, I (Nic) was asked to visit a goverment run hospital where one of the orphans who is usually based at Rainbow House (CCD's resedential home) was staying. He was admitted last week with awful infections in places i wont go into because you still haven't had your tea! Poor boy; but they wanted a nurse to go and check him out and see if the care he was receiving was adequate. Needless to say it wasn't, and he will probably be moved. Please pray for him. His name is Boar. He is 12 years old, and he is the bravest boy I have ever met or treated. Although carrying the responsibility of that child's next step of care was quite daunting, the real challenge came when I took a look around the rest of the ward. The hospital is divided into 2 sections. Orphans on one side, children with families on the other side. It is utterly heart breaking. And for the 2 or so hours I was with this little boy I was surrounded by children in bed's by him who were unbelievably poorly. Dying, with no-one there to show them love. It was an image of suffering and injustice that I had never witnessed before (the orphanage wards I work on are dire, but the children are less critically ill). At the time I coped and put up my nursing front, but it has become clear since coming back home has incredibly affected me and left me in a state of shock. I would just ask that you would pray that me and Steph continue to push on in boldness and might to do the work that we have been given to do here. We acknowledge that this might and strength can only be provided by our almighty God so prayer is so appreciated. Also, that what we witness here in Thailand, would not crush us, or leave us in despair, but build us up as we remind ourselves again and again of the truth that God is love. And one day because of his incredible love he will wipe every tear from these children's eyes, and there will be no more pain or suffering. Guys, for all you prayers and readers your legends! Thank you so much xxx


  1. It was lovely to chat with you both today.
    Kendrick's song 'Soften my Heart Lord' came to mind as I was praying for you.

    Soften my heart, Lord
    Soften my heart
    From all indifference
    Set me apart
    To feel Your compassion
    To weep with Your tears
    Come soften my heart, O Lord
    Soften my heart

    He's set you apart for the work you are doing. He is showing you what breaks his heart and he's teaching you to weep with his tears.

    When you feel you can't go on, cry out to Him and he will be all you need.

    Love you loads

    God bless

    Dad and Mum xxxxxxxxxx

  2. praying nikki and steph!! sounds like such a challenge, but it's so awesome how God has placed you with those orphans and ill children to really brighten up their lives!!

    You're both doing great out there!!!


  3. So hard for you to see such suffering and injustice. Praying for you both. I'm so glad God sent you out to those children, you are bringing love and care into their lives, without you, they probably would never know what love is.

    God bless

    Sue Glenn (Oakwood)
