Friday 16 September 2011

We are off!

Hello friends and family. So we have decided to keep you updated on this nifty little blog. We will be sure to fill you in on as much of our time away as we can and the inevitable hilarities that will come with! We fly on sunday very early morning and get to Thailand monday morning. For those of you who don't know the full details, we are going out to work with a charity named CCD, check out Steph will be working with 'Rachawadee girls' who are aged 7+, Nic will be working in fung fah nursery with children aged 0-7 years. We will let you know more of our role when we find it out! But as of now we know that we will be there to provide alot of play and stimulation for these children, who sadly, because they are orphans, do not receive the care they need.
Thank you already for the massive support of you all, we so so appreciate it,and love that we are covered in prayer.Wonderful stuff.
Loves, Nic & Steph


  1. Go girls! I can't believe after our family visit to Thailand in 2004 that you're both going back to work with CCD. It's amazing and Mum and I are very, very proud of you. We know that God will use you and teach you much during the next 3 months. We just wish we could be with you! Loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Good luck Nic :) You'll have a fab time! I had such a great time with the kids in Paraguay. So so funny! Wish you all the best and lots of love xxxxxxx p.s. one of these days we will have a proper catch up!

  3. Sooooo excited to read and to see how our glorious God will use this time in Thailand, to draw you two wonderful women closer to Him and have a deeper insight into His heart. Prayers abound. So much love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Hey nicola & steph!! We hope you both have an awesome time over there!! you're gonna love it :) we'll be praying for you!! It's gonna be such a great experience for you both, can't wait to hear the story face-to-face at christmas!!


    The Moores-Clan

  5. so excited to hear of your trip! woop
